With the help of Lucian it didn't take long to get everything unpacked, though the thought still lingers that in a few years I'll have to repack everything once again. At this point I'm very curious where it will all go, I can't really see myself doing much of anything. Settling down? I'm not exactly sure, I know that there are a vast majority of guys who are different than Alix. So I shouldn't compare them, but it's hard not to when you were used to something for so long.
My therapist has been working with me with coping how I was forced before in my relationship with him. Everything still feels numb to me in that subject, I find myself not to be too bothered by it. He says I'm just trying to avoid it because there is a lot of built up emotion that is just a time bomb waiting to release when/if something triggers me.
"Nee, what's for dinner?" Lucian's voice echoed through my living room. Looking up, my eyes caught his gaze as I began to rub my hands together.
"I'm not really sure, Anything you can think of?" I replied, setting my hands back down in my lap.
He shifted before turning to come down stairs.
Some things good and bad have come out of Lucian staying here. He's taught me how to cook, and thankfully I have began to regain some of my weight. I still look disgusting, but not as much as I did.
I've also been considering starting to weight train, and getting a personal trainer. One of the bad things have been that any of the females trying to get themselves involved with Luci see me as a threat. Which has been very annoying, but the irony is he just ignores any girls that try to cross his path in that way.
I'd figure somebody with a face like his would sleep around, but evidently I'm proven wrong. Then again I could also be wrong about that, but I have no business wondering. I just know he's stuck around me a lot since he began staying here.
He sat down on the couch beside me, and began to continue the conversation.
"Would you like me to cook?"
I shook my head slightly, before reaching for my phone. Holding it up, I stared at him. He smiled momentarily.
"Takeout or pizza?"
"I'm honestly feeling some takeout at the moment." I say as I look up the number on my phone and call.
After placing the order I got up and went to my room. Sitting on my bench was my wallet, I unzipped it and got the amount of cash out that the man told me over the phone. Exiting my room I turned and went down the hall, setting my money on the table by the door. Noticing that there is only one set of keys on the table, I return to the living room.
"Uh, you don't happen to have my keys by any chance?"
Lucian looked at me puzzled before replying, "They are on the table by the door. I saw them when I came in earlier."
"They aren't there anymore." I said as I walked back down my hall to check if the door was locked. It was, maybe I just misplaced my keys and forgot? I don't carry a purse, only a wallet.

Going back into the living room I return to my seat and continue to watch tv with him, "Oh well, they'll turn up eventually."
Not much longer after I sat back down the doorbell rang, Luci got up to greet the delivery guy. The smell of takeout quickly filled my home as Luci made his way to my kitchen. Leaning up I reach for the remote and turned off the TV. Getting off the couch, I walked to my kitchen. Lucian was getting out plates and glasses from my cabinet. Setting them on the counter, he turned to face me.
"What to drink?"
Thinking for a moment, I replied.
"Just water."
He turned back around and went to my fridge and got out a bottle of water. Opening the bottle, he poured it into the glass before handing it to me. Picking the box up with my other hand I took it to the table before going back to get the plates.
Luci seated and began to sort the food out. He his head and looked at me as I sat down.
I smiled slightly as I handed him his plate.
"So, tonight's dinner topic is tattoos."
I shifted in my chair to get comfortable as I took the box of my food and raked it onto my plate.
"Okay. What would you like to know?" I say as I reach back into the box to get my chopsticks, handing him the other pair.
"Is there any story behind them?"
I thought about it as I put the first bite in my mouth. Greasy.
"Not especially. The tattoo on my thigh is to cover up scars, my arms to cover up track marks. The rest I got just because I didn't like looking at myself. At the time the tattoo's were very beautiful to me, and they made me feel that way. I no longer feel the same, but maybe in the future I'll be able to see more beauty in myself than I do currently."
I said as I continued to eat, awaiting a response. After he finished chewing he took a sip of his drink before turning to me.
"You are beautiful regardless with or without the tattoo's, I wish you could see that."
His response took me back a little bit. He continued to eat before speaking once again when his his mouth wasn't full of food.
"I got mine just because I was a rebellious little shit and wanted to piss my parents off. It worked quite well before I left for college. At least now my brother can't try and copy me again, not unless he goes through all the trouble to get it all copied exactly. Then again, he is somewhat nuts. To me anyways." He said laughing slightly before continuing to eat.
Before long we both finished eating. Stretching out in my chair I yawned, Luci got up and collected the dishes and took them to the sink. Soon enough I got up and threw away the empty boxes and moved the box with the remaining food to my island. Hearing my phone ring I made it back to the living room. Studying the screen the number read as unknown, I slid it over to decline the call and laid my phone back down. Immediately my phone began to ring again, It said the same thing. Sliding it the opposite direction I answered it this time.
Setting the call on speakerphone I sat down and held the phone close to my face.
"Hello?" I said before a male's voice reached through.
"I'm going to get you, you stupid little bitch. You better sleep with one eye open!" He screamed before hanging up. Lucian ran into the room, he could read the slight worried look on my face.
"Who was that?!" He asked firmly, reaching out for my phone. Handing it to him, Luci immediately pulled out his phone and called somebody. Stepping back from me he fiddled with my phone before speaking into his phone.
"Jace, I need you to do me a favor."
"I need you to track a number that just called Neah's phone."
After a moment he began reading off numbers to Jace. I could hear Jace over the phone speaking.
"Well, thank you for trying. Talk to you later." Lucian said as he hung up.
I stared at him waiting for him to speak. His irritation was very evident as he sat on the couch beside me.
"It's a burner phone." He said.
I sighed before getting back up.
"Don't dwell on this, It will be okay." I say as I try to reassure him with a slight smile. He frowned at me before speaking.
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"You are just over thinking it. Probably nothing will happen."
Turning I walked into my bedroom and threw myself onto my bed.
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